How Do You Know if Makeup Has Lead in It?

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Have you ever wondered what is in your lipstick?  On boilerplate, a lipstick contains 20-40 ingredients.  Notwithstanding, a lipstick tube is also small to write on and manufacturers take reward of this fact.  At the same time, women who wear information technology every mean solar day deserve to know what exactly they are exposed to.  For instance, did you lot know that there may be lead in lipstick?  In this postal service, we will talk near the dangers of pb and other heavy metals in cosmetics.  Additionally, you volition uncover some harmful lipstick ingredients and get tips on how to avoid them.  Also, keep reading to find out my safest lipstick suggestions.

Protect Yourself from Lead in Lipstick. A photo of a woman holding a lipstick. The lipstick ingredients may be harmful.

How pb in lipstick was brought to light

To begin with, back in 2013, lead in lip products was in the news for a couple of months.  Indeed, information technology seemed similar everybody was discussing it: Forbes, CBS, Washington Post, USA Today, Fourth dimension, Healthland, Urban Legends, and Chronicle.  The short version of what happened is as follows.

In December 2011, the FDA posted the results of lead testing of 400 lipsticks on its website (source).  Actually, the original lead test had been done in 2007 nether force per unit area from the Campaign for Rubber Cosmetics.  To analyze, information technology is a consumer advocacy organization coalition, including the Environmental Working Group and Women'south Voices for the Earth.

So, the tests revealed that Maybelline and 50'Oreal lipstick lead levels were 7.19 parts per million (ppm) and vii.0 ppm, respectively.  For your reference, the US limit of pb in drinking water is 15 parts per billion.  Likewise, California's Proposition 65 requires companies to identify a alert on products for reproductive toxicity if they expose consumers to more than 0.5 micrograms per day. Nonetheless, the FDA ended that those amounts of pb did not pose any health risk.  But I suggest you draw your own determination most the safety of lead in lipstick based on all the data bachelor.

How bad is lead as one of many lipstick ingredients?

There are several points to consider in answering this question.

Outset, the Ecology Working Group (EWG) rates lead 10 out of 10 (with 10 as the most toxic) (source).

Second, the International Bureau for Research on Cancer (World Health Organization) classifies lead as "perhaps carcinogenic to humans" (source).

Third, the US National Toxicology Program has classified it as "reasonably to be anticipated to exist [a] carcinogen[]" (source).

Side by side, the state of California has it on the list of "Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Cancer" (source).

Furthermore, scientists recognize pb as a reproductive toxin and link it with infertility.  Moreover, they consider it a developmental toxin as information technology can cross the placenta and damage the fetal brain (source).

In add-on, lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language, and behavioral problems (source).

Finally, pb is bioaccumulative and persistent in wildlife.  In other words, information technology builds up in our bodies and does not intermission down easily in the surroundings (source).

What are the amounts of lead in lipstick?

According to the FDA, up to 10 ppm of lead does non pose a risk to wellness (source).  Besides, the FDA reminds united states of america that lipstick is for topical use, not for ingestion.  To compare, the FDA's recommended upper limit of lead in candies is 0.1 parts per one thousand thousand.  Although information technology is true that processed consumption is higher than that of lipstick, there are some facts to consider.

First, women wearable lipstick every twenty-four hours of their lives.  Since they may ingest information technology while eating or drinking, lipstick ingredients become an outcome of importance.

2nd, young children, who are at the highest risk of lead poisoning, may swallow information technology accidentally.  Plus, parents who are unaware of lead bug may let young children to wear lipstick.  In addition, newborn babies are kissed with lipstick, and pregnant women wear lipstick, too.  And think that lead is bioaccumulative, which means it builds up in our bodies.  Therefore, it would be expert for a product to have a warning: "May contain lead. Keep away from children."

Past the manner, the state of California concluded that if a lipstick contains 5 parts per 1000000, the user of the lipstick may exceed the California Proposition 65 safe harbor limit of 0.5 micrograms per mean solar day.  Therefore, the lipstick manufacturer would need to place a alarm on their makeup products (source).

A bigger trouble than lead in lipstick

Information technology then happened that atomic number 82 caught the public attention, but the trouble is not just lipstick with lead.

Contaminants in cosmetics

To clarify, there are other heavy metal contaminants that might exist present in lip products and in cosmetics in general.

For instance, in their written report of 32 lipsticks, researchers at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health found nine harmful metals including cadmium, chromium, and aluminum.

Further, such contaminants every bit arsenic, zinc, aluminum, and mercury may exist nowadays not just in lipstick ingredients.  They may as well be in lip gloss, mascara, powder, foundation, and even toothpaste (source).  (Read my mail service Heavy Metals in Makeup to larn how they cease up in makeup and how to avert them.)

In other words, both conventional (made from petroleum or coal) and natural (mineral) makeup is susceptible to metal contamination.  If you have considered heavy metal detox, please read about my experience with chelation therapy get-go.

Toxic ingredients in lipsticks

Even if lipsticks did not accept contaminants, nearly of them would contain other potentially toxic ingredients.  Indeed, lipstick is like sausage – if you lot saw how they make it, you would never want to apply it.

Thus, most color additives are derived from petroleum, and some are still made from coal tar.  Considering both petroleum and coal tar are highly toxic, the FDA tests and certifies color additives derived from them.  However, as an example, the FDA allows up to xx parts per million of atomic number 82 in color additives (source).  And equally we already know, the FDA'southward views on the atomic number 82 in lipstick issue are relaxed.

As a rule, an average lipstick contains 20-40 ingredients.  However, most women never give any thought to their lipstick ingredients considering they are not on the tube characterization.

Safety regulations in cosmetics manufacture

Some other effect with cosmetics is that safe is very difficult to enforce.  To illustrate, when the FDA sets upper limits for contaminants in cosmetic products, information technology specifies them as "recommended limits," meaning it does not enforce them.

With the exception of color additives (excluding coal tar pilus dyes) made from petroleum and coal tar, cosmetic products and ingredients are not subject to FDA premarket approval authority.  Simply for several prohibited ones, any ingredient in a corrective product formulation is okay as long equally it is condom.  But who determines what is "condom"?  While manufacturers are responsible for their products, the FDA has no say-so to make them exam their cosmetics for safety.

Imagine that until 2016, the FDA restricted or banned only 11 ingredients.  In 2016, they banned 19 ingredients in antibacterial soap.  For comparison, the European Spousal relationship bans over 1,328 chemicals from utilise in cosmetics (source).

Above all, the corrective industry has non been doing a expert job policing itself.  Thus, in its over 30-year history, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Skillful Panel, an industry organization, has assessed less than xv% of cosmetic ingredients.

Anyway, these are the challenges U.s. consumers are facing that are bigger than merely lipstick ingredients.

What tin can you do about lead in lipstick?

Well, at that place are several steps you can have to protect yourself and your kids from lead.

To begin with, exist aware of the fact that lip products may contain heavy metallic contaminants.

2d, look at the list of 400 lipsticks and attempt to buy one that contains a low level of lead.  However, remember that each shade may take a different atomic number 82 content.

Third, try wearing lipstick merely for special occasions and using certified organic lip lotion for the rest of the time.

Next, make sure you wipe your lipstick off before eating or drinking.

Of grade, go along all your cosmetics abroad from kids, and if pregnant or lactating, avoid wearing makeup.  Although it may be hard to hear, believe me, you will exist glowing with natural beauty!

I cannot emphasize the importance of this point enough: brainwash your daughters virtually dangerous chemicals in cosmetics and lipstick ingredients.  When I was growing upward, I had this inner knowledge that makeup was toxic.  Though they did not teach this to us at schoolhouse, I guess my mom did her job well.

Finally, ask cosmetics manufacturers how they minimize heavy metals in their products.  I believe that cosmetics manufacturers demand to test for heavy metals and bear witness us their testing reports.

Conclusion virtually lead in lipstick

So, is in that location a mode out for those of us who dear wearing lipstick?  Aye!  The good news is that my favorite skincare and makeup visitor carries non-toxic lipstick yous'll beloved!  What I like about information technology the most is how light and smoothen it feels on my lips.  Cheque it out and let me know what you think.

In conclusion, although we cannot eliminate all the heavy metallic contaminants in cosmetics, nosotros tin do something nigh their amounts.  Specifically, equally consumers nosotros should brainwash ourselves to exist able to make informed decisions.  In addition, nosotros should let manufacturers know what kind of products nosotros look them to make.  Write in the comments that you do not desire heavy metals in cosmetics, so I can prove them to manufacturers.

As usual, I welcome y'all to my shop where you can find a variety of salubrious products for home and gifts.  Also, if y'all need any help regarding non-toxic living, delight book a consultation with me.  And, experience free to join the Savvy Consumer Circle to accept limitless access to the latest enquiry in toxic-free living.

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