Was anyone else a little surprised by Blogger's new look? Or was I the last ane hanging on to the old version? I'm sure they've made some absurd upgrades and all, but it drives me nuts when I experience similar I've finally figured out all this computer stuff, and so they get and change it on me! Oh well, I'll just pretend that "alter is good".

Anyway, on with the infant projects…

Dorsum when I had Reli, the breastfeeding thing didn't become so well. (Ok,permit's call that an understatement.)

There were just so many factors that made it hard to keep a regular schedule.

I went kinda like this. . .

Our start kid,

upwardly all night in the rocking chair,

sleeps all day and skips meals,

overbearing visitors,

actress Dr. appointments considering she had a "hip-click",

Ant busy studying to go registered,

thinking that a hand pump will "be practiced enough"

. . . then . . .

The schedule goes haywire,

milk supply drops,

that "good enough" paw pump breaks

but we can't afford the real 1,

lack of slumber takes its toll,

and it'south HELLO formula!

(I did keep mitt pumping and adding what I got to the bottles,

but that only lasted about iii months : /)

I'm certain some of you have been in a like situation, just am I the but one who wonders how

women have been pulling this off for millions of years while working out in a field somewhere?

Well, this time I wanted things to be different.
Every feeding was timed and written down, visits made around our schedule, I got the "real" pump (just in case), and Corbin got woken up every 3rd hour whether he just fell comatose or not. By his 2 week check-up, he was already three oz over his nascence weight, and the pediatrician actually told me to stop waking him up at night unless I wanted to drive myself crazy!

So now that I know this actually has a chance of working, I finally got around to making myself a nursing cover. I've been feeding the baby everywhere in the past few weeks…the library, the cafe in Target, the Costco parking lot, fifty-fifty walking through the mall with him in a sling, and I Honey It! It has been and then handy that may take to make a 2d one, because even if you lot splurge on the pretty fabric making your own is still and then much cheaper than the $30+ they sell for online.

I pretty much used a mash-up of the Prudent Baby tutorial, and the Sew together Much Ado tutorial and and so added a terry cloth square to one corner to wipe up dribble, and a pocket to the other corner for nursing pads, lotion, or what not. I but hemmed 2 sides of a square, so stuck the ii un-hemmed edges under the fold when I stitched the hem effectually the chief fabric. If that sound confusing y'all could try the tutorial over at Crafty Cousins. They exercise information technology a piddling differently, only they have pictures, and in the end it'south nevertheless a pocket.

"I demand to attempt on the apparel. The dress mommy made from the fabwics!"

I never actually thought about how Reli would react to my breastfeeding Corbin,
but her response has actually been quite comical.

Yesterday I caught her sitting on the sofa with her shirt pulled up "feeding"
one of her unicorns. (And all this time I thought they ate rainbows!)
So this morning time nosotros had the post-obit conversation…

"Mommy, put the infant in the rocker. I need to potable some milk from the boobies."
"Umm…..I think y'all take a sippy cup in the refrigerator."
"Ok, perchance later."

Sure munchkin…maybe later ; D
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